Macros - Coraxium


Below you will find a list of macros that i use in game plus some that I believe you will find useful. I will be updating this as I make more macros… if you would like to add to the list OR submit your own you can do so on my Discord server.

These macros will simply order your pet to attack your current target then cast your selected attack and your pets basic abilities. Keep in mind you can replace any of these abilities with any spell you like. 

/cast Multi-Shot
/cast Claw
/cast Bite
/cast Smack

/cast Cobra Shot
/cast Claw
/cast Bite
/cast Smack

/cast Kill Command
/cast Claw
/cast Bite
/cast Smack

/cast Barbed Shot
/cast Claw
/cast Bite
/cast Smack

/cast Kill Shot
/cast Claw
/cast Bite
/cast Smack

This macro will allow you to cast your tar trap at your cursor then your flare after it.

/castsequence [@cursor] reset=25 Tar Trap, Flare

This is just like above but just for your flare

/cast [@cursor] Flare

This macro will cast your Freezing Trap at your feet if you hold shift other wise at your cursor.

/cast [@player, mod:shift][@cursor] Freezing Trap

This macro will cast Misdirection on your pet if you are holding shift OR the target your have your mouseover OR your focus if you have one set OTHERWISE your selected target.

#showtooltip Misdirection
/cast [mod:shift,@pet][@mouseover,help,nodead][@focus,help,nodead] [] Misdirection

These next to macros will cast either Wild Spirits or Resonating Arrow at your cursors location.

/cast [@cursor]Wild Spirits

/cast [@cursor]Resonating Arrow

As a few spells have been removed for the GCD this next macro allows you to cast Aspect of the Wild, Bestial Wrath and your trinkets all in one keybind.

/cast Aspect of the Wild
/cast Bestial Wrath
/use 13
/use 14

This macro will cast Intimidation on the target your mouse is over OR your focus if one is set OTHERWISE your selected target.

/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][] Intimidation

These macro will cast spirit mend on your pet if shift is pressed OR the target your mouse is over OTHERWISE yourself

#showtooltip Spirit Mend
/cast [mod:shift,nodead, @pet][@mouseover,help,nodead][@player] Spirit Mend

This one is pretty useful for getting out of combat with your pets. However you must press the macro again to wake your pets up.

/cast Feign Death
/cast Play Dead